Monday, March 12, 2007

So, the thing about ETHIOPIA being "left behind" - PART II

Being left behind, in many readers sight has an implication of
retardation or a sign of weak spirited or a sign of un-ability to cope with or even worse some might claim it being lazy.

The thing about Ethiopia is a bit different. From the angle I’m approaching my country’s alignment at the rear gate of the world civilization; the reason can be one or many of the above elements.

The first, and the most demeaning notion we Ethiopian’s have is our inability to see our ‘real’ stance.

We have many proverbs and sayings that imply a REAL overall growth is succeeded by a reflection of self. መጀመሪያ የዓይንህን ጉድፍ አውጣ! (first take out the Pillar from your eye.. before...)

But, we choose not to do an iota of self examining. As I had mentioned this fact repeatedly, I still find myself falling back to this reality. We need to stop pretending to be who “we are not” and accept who we are. Or be able to see where we stand.

Now, the real retard really is someone who ‘chooses’ to be blinded by a ‘false self exaltation’ that is blanketed by a history that neither he relates nor that might not even be true ( at least partially).

History is a great legacy to have in the package. He who doesn’t know where he came from or where he belongs is a confused may. But, a man who doesn’t know where he stands and where he is going is deluded- and that is worst!

So we, Ethiopian’s, decide which direction we are heading, as an individual or as a whole country. Towards the future or … rehearse the same old “empty pride of history” that doesn’t fill our stomach?????