I have to borrow some lines from my previous post and it should serve as a disclaimer for my postings.
As always the intent of this and many other writings in this blog (ethiomind) is just to unveil the age old question that boggles my mind every single day as I go through my life’s journey while living my mark behind.
Especially living abroad, due to economical reasons ONLY! (No matter how many do not admit it –), raising the very foundational identity questions meteyek is more and more relevant.
Also as always, if you think this doesn’t apply to you, then you are right it might not apply to you. But, if you think this might apply to you then you are right it directly applies to you.
The beggar mentality of Ethiopians is such a complex fact that the so called ‘well off’ individual are also fall in this category.
It is a known fact that
It is quite clear that the level of begging differs, for the desperate creature who crawls in the streets of Addis and each major city – this seem to be the only solution. For the political leader who begs the extension of his western donation/IMF funding to sustain the so many ‘supposedly’ budgets, this is a way to guarantee his survival.
For the greedy crook who made himself rich through corruption and blood money, this is a way to sustain his pseudo class and forged riches.
The common ground is that they all are beggars who are ensnared themselves with the serious of choices. Some might say that “no! We Ethiopians are guest loving, sharing, very caring people by nature. We Ethiopians are the most God fearing society with lots of promises in the face of the earth. But, this government, this leader, this person’s misdeed, this … that … them… caused us to be who we are”.
Then I firmly disagree with this notion. Begging is a state of mind and THAT IS IT! It is true that the government, this leader, that leader,… etc might have a role to play in the degradation of our generation.
A leader who can only see his muscle and believes that he can play a role of God amongst the poorest of the world, he himself is deluded and of course mentally impoverished. A real enlighten political leader, religious leader, social leader or leader wanna be” should focus on empowering his own soul then bring empowerment to the people around him/ or whom he claims to lead.
What is even worst is that the so called ‘intellectuals’ choose to indulge themselves in the sophisticated economical and political game that they are causing more pain than harm to the impoverished souls of
The era, where we blindly claim in the past power and try to convince the world we are ‘something’ we “have” something - is long over. Unless we proof it, we are the poorest of nations – who can’t live a day with out our ‘begged’ bread like an insulin for a diabetic person.
Empowerment begins form self, he/she who is NOT mentally free from the snare of poverty, can not able to help others break the strong yoke of poverty and lack.
I will continue to blog more, but we have famous quotes like : “nuro kalut, mekaber yemokal” … or does it really? not for me! and I dont' call that L-I-F-E.
I believe that there is a bright solution if we admit our stance and willing to do something about it!